Monday, January 2, 2012

as if something bad, was gone.

I just feel right now. I feel like I have accomplished something. It is sad to see others go through loss, but sometimes it is necessary. You have to let go of things in order to gain other things.
To feel worth it, we have to accomplish somthing.
In order to accomplish something, you have to find the will power.
Will power from inspiration, from anticipation and even sometimes from failure.

You have to set happiness up for yourself. If you keep talking about being sad, upset, or disappointed, you will be. Happiness you have to hope for. Not only hope, but work for.
It is hard, but I am telling you it is worth it.

And, you don't have to be "in love" to happy. Sure, it helps, but sometimes what you are feeling is not love. To be happy, you have to have love. Probably not for what you think. Love isn't what it is thought to be. Think about what love really is.

You have to need something in order to receive it in its fullness. someone can't want it for you. You have to fight for it, and work for it, and accept it, and love it.
That is when you really love. When you know you worked for what was needed, for everyone.

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