Sunday, January 15, 2012

The true importance

People don't think they are worth it. Ask the person to your right "What's your worth?"
Did they just give you that face. The confused one, with a side comment of "My what?" of "I'm trying to do my homework" I bet they did, because they don't know how much they mean to you.

So tell them.
Lately I have made a point to let people know when they truly mean a lot to me. It's not all about self worth, you mean something to others as well. There is a particular person who has stood out to me lately, and I realize that I need them. I haven't told them directly, and I feel sad about that, but it is going to happen. These last few weeks have been cram packed full of hell that I can't put up with, and then someone comes along willing to talk to me about it. That is how it always is with them, they are always there right when I need them.

It's not who I would think either. A ton of people talk crap about this person. Why? Because they simply dont know. Which brings me to another important point.
Stop judging. I'm sick of the assumptions. the stereotypes. the gossip. Why participate in something that is about to bite you back.
I am not saying I don't, because I am guilty. I just accused myself of being a hypocrite, but I still hope it changes.
It kills me when I see someone less fortunate get made fun of.
It kills me when you bash on your friends at their expense.
It kills me when I am on the receiving end.

Just remember: that person could be you.

I love the people I can go to. I love that they know when I need them.
They have worth.
You have worth.
and I think I have worth. I'm not perfect, I don't do everything I should. I'm not the best friend. I can be a real jerk, but I am glad to be loved anyway, and I am trying.

It takes a lot for me to say that I'm going to be myself. That I am going to try harder. And that I am worth it.

But to get myself there, you all have to know that you are. You are worth it. Don't ever forget it.


  1. Jessica,
    I just want to tell you that it is posts like these that open the eyes of society. You are such a lovely person. It is so sad that bullying dominates kindness, and that is really concerning.
    I feel that some people come into your life at exactly the right time, no matter how unexpected, and you should take that as a blessing. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks of this person.
    I want you to know how grateful I am to have you as a friend. I know I have been a little absent in your life, as with many other friends. I regret that, and really hope we can get together soon. In fact, I will be down there all weekend next weeked. Maybe we can work something out.
    I apologize for the rant, but this post touched me. Everyone has worth, and it is about recognizing personal worth, and potentially more import, recognizing the worth of those around you.
    I think you touched on some really important points.
    Please always feel free to call me or text me. It would be wonderful to talk.
    I love you!

  2. Thank you so much! Its hard to dig in and find meaning in myself, so I can't even imagine what it is like for those in worse situations. We really do need to do something, I always feel like I can talk to you. knowing that someone actually reads this makes me feel good. you are fantastic.
